The power of Three

The term `Aviation English` refers to Language used in the aviation industry. This includes two-way radio communication between Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers. In addition, it includes Flight-crew, Base Operators and Airside Vehicle Operators. `General `English` encompasses everyday language skills that blends with Aviation communications, while Radio Telephony English focuses primarily on maintaining standard communication ensuring clarity and avoiding ambiguity or confusion. Each of the `Power of Three` communication styles serve distinct purposes within the broader context of language use in Aviation. Together they support the safety and efficiency of air travel, ensuring that the flow of speech between all parties remains consistent and free of `slang`, (i.e. informal and restricted). If we had to break each of the `Power of 3` into a basic level of understanding, the context thereof for each could be evaluated as follows: Aviation English – A specific subset of the English language that is used by Pilots, ATC`s, Flight Crew, Airside Vehicle Operators and Base Operators to communicate with each other during flight operations. General English – The context of this term from an Aviation perspective focuses on developing listening and conversation skills with those personnel involved in real time operational communication. RadioTelephony English – It focuses on developing listening and speaking skills that are required for the application of routine and non-routine communication through the mix of words and phrases combined with plain English. An example of each of the `Power of 3` follows: • Aviation English – `ABC Broadcast Wun Too Fife Dayseemal Ait`. • General English – `The student Pilot`s flight book is on the table`. • RadioTelephony English - `ABC Affirm, I have you in sight`. The interaction between these 3 English powerhouses ensures that communication within the Aviation sector remains filtered, distinct and operationally sound. For more information on the `Power of 3` consider taking a look at our free downloadable Aviation English Study Guide available at