

Harmonize with Us: Unleash the Power of Collaborative Waves in Talking Radio Excellence!


Click through to discover the dynamic companies currently making waves with Talking Radio. These handpicked collaborators bring a unique blend of creativity, expertise, and vision to the talking radio landscape. As you navigate through their profiles, envision the possibilities of what a partnership could achieve for your brand.



Okay that is impressive but what does it mean? 
Talking Radio has partnered with International House of Cape Town, (IHCT) to facilitate Aviation English Language Proficiency (ELP) Training and Testing. Our Facilitators are qualified Subject Matter Experts, Raters, Interlocutors, Pilots and ATCs while the ELP testing is managed under the approved body of Lenguax, and recognised by both the UK CAA and EASA. This allows the candidate to officially complete the ELP mandatory test under either of these regulatory institutions depending on their own requirements. The UK CAA oversees aviation regulatory standards within the United Kingdom while EASA oversees aviation regulatory standards within the European Union.