Two Way Radio communications for Disaster Management

Two Way Radio communications for Disaster Management

Disaster Management operations require a two-way radio communication protocol that supports accurate and timeous co-ordination between all affected parties concerned. The chief purpose for this is to be able to function efficiently while managing any emergency scenario that could negatively disrupt operations such as;

  • Inclement weather – i.e. reduced visibility affecting access to crash site
  • Unplanned situations – i.e. injuries to personnel actively involved in the rescue,
  • Mechanical Failure to any part of the Survival Equipment

that could potentially influence standard safety procedures.

In order to thus maintain a well-established communication protocol, all personnel involved in Disaster Management operations need to ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to communicate on a two - way radio following published procedures.

Disaster risk reduction and pro-active preparedness include having robust two-way communication protocol, measured through the application of:

  • Standard Operating Procedures;
  • Ongoing Education through the development of training programmes.

 These factors mentioned are designed to promote a safe two-way communication protocol on frequency for all personnel actively involved within Disaster Management operations. Knowing how to use a two-way radio does not necessarily mean that the User has a grip on how to communicate on it effectively. Each person reacts differently during a distress situation, so human factors also plays a role in response facilitation.

Any person receiving the initial emergency call on frequency needs to ideally be a well-trained operator, or call-taker answering the emergency call. A call-taker’s task is complex and requires analytical skills, multitasking, interpersonal and crisis management skills.

Everyone who is part of the `call to action` team in a disaster situation, both on land and at sea, needs to be fully familiar with their duties and responsibilities when faced with any emergency/disaster situation that requires their critical response.

For further information on Disaster Management communication training please email